Branchenverband Medizintechnik
und Biotechnologie.

Förderung des Freistaates Thüringen im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur" (GRW)
Gemäß der Beratungsrichtlinie des Freistaates Thüringen erhält das Unternehmen eine Förderung für Beratungen und Prozessbegleitungen, die Strategien zum Aufbau bzw. für eine nachhaltige positive Entwicklung und Sicherung von KMU unterstützen. Die Förderung erfolgt aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus und aus Mitteln des Freistaats Thüringen.

Verbundprojekt "AVATAR"
[Förderkennzeichen: 16KISA011K]


Empowering Thuringia!


medways creates regional and international connections:

Our services for you:
medways has established itself as the point of contact for services in medical technology and biotechnology:

In addition to our extensive range of seminars and confe- rences, especially in the areas MDR and IVDR, we support our members and partners in all phases of product deve- lopment, authorisation and marketing of the final product. We are extremely well connected regionally, nationally and internationally – with companies, research institutions, clinics, start-ups, hidden champions, project managers and promoters as well as political institutions.

As part of our services we acquire, link and accompany research projects (Research Centre), we provide informa- tion and training (medways Academy), we organise joint trade fair stands and act as spokesperson for our mem- bers in political affairs (Service Centre). Furthermore, we always offer a sympathetic ear and listen to the feedback, questions and concerns of our members. In short, we rec- ognize the needs of the industry – and address them together.

Your benefits in brief:
  • More international visibility for Thuringia's medical technology and biotechnology sector
  • Access to open calls and EU funds
  • Link to national investors and strategic partnerships
  • Wide reach - thanks to existing contacts of the medways network
  • Little effort for you - medways is on site for you!
  • Full Service: We inform, acquire and coordinate for you!

  • To push the international visibility of the medical technology and biotechnology industry, medways explores foreign target markets, establishes new (international) contacts to governmental and economic authorities and accompanies delegation trips with the Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und digitale Gesellschaft TMWWDG.

    NEW: Guide to Becoming a Supplier to the United Nations - A Short Introduction
    Are you interested in selling goods and/or services to the United Nations, or are you interested in learning more about how this works?
    We have written the following introductory guide to familiarize you with the most basic elements of supplying goods and services to the UN Procurement Division, so that you can so that you have a good starting point:
    Einführung Akquisition VN

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    Delegation and entrepreneur trips

    Business trip China 2024 | Needs assessment
    Business initiation Singapur/Malaysia Pharmaceutical Industry & Biotechnologies 2023
    Business initiation with trAIDe GmbH

    International fairs

    to build your export business

    International cooperations

  • medways e.V. and CIIPA - New working group established and LOI signed
  • MedTech Cluster Alliance D-A-CH - MedTech clusters from the German-speaking region under one "roof"
  • Kickstart International - Help with the expansion of their business to foreign countries
  • International tenders / cooperations Life Science
  • Expanding in Austria pays off - investment premium decided
  • S3 Platform Medical Technology: Current Projects
  • U.S. Market Launchpad
  • Cooperation with Vietnam

  • Internationale conferences

    to expand your network

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    ◼ Delegation and entrepreneur trips

    What we do for you

    medways accompanies entrepreneur and delegation trips to promising countries for Thuringian companies.
    In addition, we provide interested parties with information about the respective interesting foreign target markets.
    Do you need information on one of your target markets? We look forward to your call at +49 (0)3641 8761040 or via email to

    Business trip China 2024 | Needs assessment

    Together with the China International Investment Promotion Agency (CIIPA), medways e.V. plans to within the framework of the German-Chinese working group for the promotion of the healthcare and Medical Industry, a company trip to China in the first half of 2024. In addition to CIIPA and medways, other German medtech clusters such as Medical Valley have announced their participation.

    Needs assessment:

  • Is your company interested in participating
  • Which region(s) would be interesting for your company?
  • Are there specific questions and topics?

  • Please feel free to contact us by e-mail at or by phone at +49 (0)3641/8761040.
    Information about the medways cooperation with CIIPA can be found can be found here >>>,
    You can find information about CIIPA directly at the CIIPA website >>>

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    Business initiation Singapur/Malaysia Pharmaceutical Industry & Biotechnologies 2023

    03 - 07 July 2023

    You can find information directly on the organizer page >>>

    or in the following flyers:
    Singapur & Malaysia 2023 Pharmaceutical Industry & Biotechnologies | 03 - 07 July 2023

    Business initiation Malaysia & Singapur for German companies in the healthcare industry with a focus on the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnologies

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    Business initiation

    with trAIDe GmbH

    trAIDe GmbH organizes, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), to enable you to explore these markets in spite of the current despite the current restrictions.

    The aim of the projects is to identify suitable sales partners and/or end customers for you in the target market. These are researched by trAIDe GmbH together with its local partner and selected taking into account your needs. You get the opportunity to present your products and services in front of a professional audience through an individual pitch. The cooperation talks with your individual business partners are then facilitated by digital conference rooms.

    Flyer - Presentation digital business initiation trips

    Baris Tasar
    Phone: +49 (0)221 - 49 221 935 445 10

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    ◼ International fairs to build your export business

    We explore your target markets together

    What we do for you
    medways explores the foreign target markets for you, establishes new (international) contacts to governmental and economic authorities and accompanies delegation trips with the Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Science and digital society TMWWDG. If you are interested in participating in an international trade fair on a Thuringian joint stand to build up your export business, please contact us. please contact us. You can reach us by phone at: +49 (0)3641 8761040 oder via Email

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    ◼ International cooperations

  • medways e.V. and CIIPA - New working group established and LOI signed
  • MecTech Cluster Alliance D-A-CH: Akteure aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum unter einem "Dach"
  • Kickstart International - Hilfe bei der Ausweitung ihres Geschäftsbereichs auf das Ausland
  • Internationale Auschreibungen / Kooperationen Life Science
  • Expandieren in Österreich lohnt sich – Investitionsprämie beschlossen
  • S3-Plattform Medical Technology: Aktuelle Projekte
  • U.S. Market Launchpad
  • Kooperation mit Vietnam
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    New working group for the expansion of German-Chinese activities in the health care and and medical industry established and LOI signed

    medways and CIIPA are co-founders and signed the LOI at MEDICA 2021

    For two years, medways e.V. has been working together with eight other German partners (GTAI, Hessen Trade & Invest, WT.SH, BioNRW, Medical Valley, Life Science Nord, BioCon Valley, BioM) and the China International Investment Promotion Agency (CIIPA) on the establishment of a German-Chinese working group for the promotion of the health and medical industry.

    The aim of the working group is to support Chinese and German companies in this sector in the to support the expansion of their activities in the other country. In addition, an annual conference is planned, at which the German and Chinese medical industries can meet will be able to meet and establish cooperation.

    On Nov. 16, the working group was presented at the Sino-German Forum for the Medical Industry 2021 at the fair MEDICA 2021 in Düsseldorf , the international trade fair for hospital and medical technology, was officially established. At the forum developments in the industry in China and Germany as well as opportunities for cooperation between the two countries. between the two countries.

    The establishment of the working group was sealed with the signing of the memorandum of understanding for friendly cooperation to promote investment and cooperation in the field of health and medical health and medical industry with CIIPA by medways and other partners mentioned above.

    Discussions on the working group's future plans will continue in the coming months. "We look forward to providing the medical technology industry with all the benefits of easier market access and more direct routes to Chinese partners," said Dr. Eike Dazert, executive director of medways e.V.

    Signing of the LOI at MEDICA 2021 by medways and CIIPA.
    Photo: China International Investment Promotion Agency , 2021

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    MedTech Cluster Alliance D-A-CH

    The most important MedTech cluster players in the German-speaking region under one "roof".

    The Cluster Alliance at MEDICA 2022

    Sustainability and circular economy in the health care industry and medical technology
    In order to present the important topic of sustainability at the largest medical technology trade fair in the world - the MEDICA 2022 in Düsseldorf - the MedTech Cluster Alliance D-A-CH organized the Alliance D-A-CH (medways e.V. is one of the founding members) organized the forum "Sustainability and Circular Economy in Healthcare Industry and Medical Technology". In line with its slogan "Medizintechnik weitergeDACHt" (medical technology onward), the most important 17 medtech clusters from German-speaking countries network players from business, research, health and education and thus strengthen the European economic area. At MEDICA the Alliance presented itself to the trade visitors.

    D-A-CH program at MEDICA 2022 >>>

    Background: Members and goals of the Cluster Alliance
    The MedTech Cluster Alliance sees itself as a topic- and event-related and event-related cross-cluster cooperation of currently 17 partner clusters and organizations from from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In addition to medways e.V., the following organizations work here: Medical Mountains, Life Science Nord, Forum MedTech Pharma, and HTC Switzerland are working together.
    The aim is to coordinate the strategies of the medical technology clusters in the DACH region and to region and to initiate joint activities in order to strengthen the participating regions and thus also to strengthen the European economic area as a whole.

    More visibility
    The next step will be to set up a joint landing page on which all partners are visible with their profiles and competencies. Furthermore, a separate area for the MedTech Cluster Alliance DACH will be created, which will make uncomplicated coordination possible, but also supports the professional exchange through the posting of reviewed articles.

    You can find the press article on the signing of the founding agreement at MEDICA 2021 here >>>

    Past messages

    April 2021
    Medtech Cluster Alliance D-A-CH starts to implement joint plans and goals - medways e.V. is founding member
    medways is a founding member of the Medtech Cluster Alliance, which was launched in 2020. Medtech clusters in the D-A-CH region have joined forces in the Medtech Cluster Alliance. with the aim of cross-border and cross-regional exchange, the promotion of synergy effects and the initiation of cooperation.
    The magazine "medizin & technik", issue 3.2021, page 10, presents the current plans of the Cluster Alliance.
    Press releases about the Medtech Cluster Alliance D-A-C-H >>>

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    Kickstart International - Help with the expansion of their business to foreign countries

    past event

    In addition to the German market, many startups in the life science/medtech sector are also striving to expansion of their business area to foreign countries. Often, however, the innovative often encounter challenges and difficulties in gaining a foothold for their products on the international market. international market with their products. Such an expansion offers numerous advantages and opportunities for German startups.

    In order to support the innovation drivers in their economic expansion, the German Accelerator offers the "International Kickstart Program", a special program" from October 12 to 21, 2021, a special program for startups in the life science in the field of Life Science/MedTech. The modules are free of charge, take place virtual and in English.

    Among other things, you will be offered lectures on the advantages of the economic expansion, as well as the provision of the necessary required knowledge. At the same time you should be able to evaluate your own chances for an international expansion. You will have the opportunity to meet with over 300 mentors from Germany, the USA and Asia, the USA and Asia. The goal is to provide startups in the field of Life Science/MedTech with the necessary tools and skills for international expansion.

    more information >>>

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    cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) -

    international calls

    The Cross-Cluster-Initiative Thuringia (CCIT) (partner medways e.V.) has started a cooperation with the EEN, in the context of which the EEN will now provide a regular will deliver a topic-specific newsletter "EEN-Cluster-Special".

    Within the newsletter you will receive a selection of:
  • Virtual cooperation exchanges
  • Local events
  • Technology Exchanges
  • International calls
  • especially for the life science industry.

    If you are interested in specific individual topics (cooperation exchanges, offers, inquiries or EU funding opportunities), then please contact the EEN contact person mentioned in the newsletter.

    You can find the current newsletter here >>>

    The current General Newsletter for all areas (not only Life Science), you will find here >>>

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    Expanding in Austria pays off -

    Investment premium decided

    In order to revive the Austrian economy after the Corona lockdowns, the Austrian government has adopted the COVID-19 investment premium. Under this program, investments by companies are rewarded with subsidies of up to 14%. The subsidy program will start on September 1, 2020, and will also apply retroactively to investments made on or after August 1. Applications can be submitted until February 28, 2021.
    Specifically, the support is provided by granting an investment premium in the form of a grant of 7% of the eligible costs; for investments in connection with digitalization investments related to digitization, greening, health/life science, the premium will be doubled to premium is provided, i.e. 14%.

    Contact for more information:

    Austrian Business Agency
    Dr. Doris Dobida (Direktorin)
    A-1010 Wien, Opernring 3, Österreich
    T: +43 1 588 58 212
    C: +43 676 445 44 60

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    S3-Plattform Medical Technology:

    Current projects

    One of the core tasks of medways e.V. is the establishment and expansion of (inter-) national cooperations and networks to enable access to EU funding, international investors and strategic investors and strategic partnerships. In October of this year, for example, we were in Brussels for the S3 platform Medical Technology - and would like to inform you about the conference results and present the current projects.

    Current projects

    Digi-B Cube

    The main objective is to promote cross-sector collaboration between SMEs, through the combining new digital technologies and the bioimaging biosensing biobanking industry.
    The project provides small grants for travel, prototyping, customized solution innovation and more.
    For more information about funding opportunities, please visit the digicube website >>>


    Search for project partners: Production Technologies Biomaterials, Noord-Brabant (NL) & Belgium

    Noord-Brabant (region in the Netherlands) and Belgium are working together on biomaterials, and would like to do so also on a European level.
    Interested in machines for stem cell production, production for bioreactors, production lines for organ on a chip, etc.: the production technology, not the basic research.
    If you are interested, please feel free to contact us:


    HThe main objectives are to promote scientific and business cooperation between SMEs and RTOs in the field of medical technology at an interregional level. medical technology on an interregional level and to promote the most promising cooperation ideas so that they can be to be able to promote them to projects.
    For more information, please visit the website >>>


    A project for a transnational network of regional networks, for the international linking of already existing networks to exchange information and services, to make it easier for SMEs to operate internationally and to obtain the services they need, e.g. Regulatory services, clinical trials and laboratories.
    If you are interested, please feel free to contact us:


    Program for interregional cooperation.
    Focus on improving policies, in favor of medical technology research and innovation institutions, and the Developing business models for R&D facilities by better connecting them with SMEs.
    For more information, please visit the website >>>


    The goal is to help diagnostics companies leverage AI and machine learning for their businesses, thereby thus increase their global competitiveness. In doing so, AI4diag aims to help Europe become a world leader in disease prevention and early detection. workshops on: regulatory issues, AI technologies, the state of AI in diagnostics, strategies and business opportunities. in diagnostics, strategies and business models, access to funding.
    The project will soon be opened to new partners.
    For more information, please visit the website >>>

    General information about the S3 Medical Technology platform can be found here >>>

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    U.S. Market Launchpad -

    Readiness Assessment

    Foreign Life Science companies that decide to expand operations into the United States face many challenges. Completing regulatory requirements, choosing a location and hiring employees are all subjects that will command your immediate attention. The Market Launchpad addresses some of the issues and considerations that need to be made by a foreign company when preparing for market entry into the United States. BioPortUSA can help you navigate these complex processes.

    As outlined in the Readiness Assessment above, these 13 business factors are critical areas that your company must address when considering U.S. Market entry:
  • Tax Incentives and Physical Location
  • Corporate Structure
  • Financing Structure
  • Entity Governance
  • Statutory Legal Considerations for Companies Doing Business in the United States
  • Labor and Employment
  • Tax
  • Intellectual Property (IP)
  • FDA Regulatory
  • Pricing and Reimbursement
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Preparing for Collaboration or M&A Transaction
  • Litigation Avoidance Strategy

  • BioPortUSA offers access to industry experts and a menu of coordinated services all under one roof, addressing each of these business factors. We facilitate thoughtful, strategic and cost-effective guidance to help your company navigate the complex process for U.S. Market entry. Contact us to get started.

    United States - Mark Lesselroth - President & CEO
    +1 315-569-0642

    Europe - Dr. Manfred Kauer - Senior Consultant
    +49 176 53066289

    A detailed description of the services can be found in the Flyer.
    More information you can find on the Homepage.

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    Cooperation with Vietnam

    With an import quota of 90% for medical products, 30% of which originate from Germany, the Vietnamese healthcare market is very interesting for our Thuringian companies.
    During our visit to the MediPharm EXPO Vietnam 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City medways e. V. therefore not only received profitable information about the Vietnamese healthcare market. We were also able to establish some promising contacts with local companies and consultants.

    We are happy to support you in opening up the Vietnamese market for your products and services:
  • Support with potential analysis, market development, product launch and Establishment of contacts with clinics
  • Trade fair organization
  • Initiation of research projects

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    ◼ International conferences

    more information will follow soon

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